At Learn From Play we are always looking for innovative ways to make learning fun by gamifying it. So this week we are going to gamifying English.
The current English syllabus does not just ask teachers to cover the skills of writing, grammar and spelling but it has grown to encompass all forms of communication. Using the term multi-modalility teachers are expected to be experts in how to write texts, create twitter posts, make videos, produce vlogs, present Ted talks and teach all forms of communication that society uses today.
Digital storytelling is included from as early as Kindergarten and by Year 10 it is mandated that at least 3 films per year are studied as part of the regular education program. We are very fortunate at Learn From Play to have an award winning videographer as one of our co-founders - Paddy McCann.
The course (Free with a Premium Membership) is designed to take about 4 weeks to complete and takes students through structured learning modules where each activity builds skills in script writing and storytelling, filming, editing and even how videos can be shared safely across multiple platforms. As students complete each filming challenge, their work is reviewed in a supportive environment and videos are submitted for review. Constructive feedback on the video is provided based on the criteria supplied for each task.
This course is designed in such a way that you show your class a video of Paddy explaining exactly what they have to do and then you just supervise your class while they work together to follow his instructions. This ensures that you do not have to be a video expert but every one of your students will receive the instruction they need to master basic videography, vlogging and digital storytelling in a fun gamified way. When they finish each challenge they submit the video on-line for Paddy to review and you show your class the next video in the series. It is as simple as that!
If that was not enough to make you want to use Learn From Play Film School immediately what if we made this course completely FREE!
This course which takes your students step by step through a fun method for teaching the art of digital storytelling and short film creation. I know that you already get all the teaching units, posters, Maths N Movement programs and Bloomsmath activities in a Premium Subscription but you now also get this expert led, NSW Government approved Film School included in your $99 per annum Learn From Play Premium subscription so for our current Premium Members it is completely FREE. What are you waiting for? If you want to start gamifying your English syllabus or just want someone else to teach your class for you while you watch on either sign up for a Premium Teachers Membership now or if you are already a Premium Member click here to start the course right now – what are you waiting for - start making digital stories today!